Supported Employment Services
If you’d like to work in the community, our supported employment program helps you find a job. This program helps in three phases of the job search process:
- CAREER ASSESSMENT: We work with you to identify the types of jobs that are most suitable for you based on your personal interests, skills, educational and training background, and work or volunteer history. We also help you identify areas for training or additional skills development that will help you achieve your goals.
- JOB FINDING or DEVELOPMENT: We use the information we uncover in your career assessment to find a job that matches your assessed strengths, skills, and interests. Our services include employer outreach and orientation, resume preparation and interview assistance.
- JOB COACHING: When you’ve secured employment, we provide training and ongoing support for you and your employer to help ease your transition into the workplace. We offer job coaching on 1:1 and 1:2 staff to client ratios based on an individualized level of support.